I Love You! ^_^


I love you so much. Ever since we first started really talking I have loved you so much. I think about you constantly. You're the first thing on my mind every morning and the last thing on my mind before I fall asleep every night. You mean the world to me. Words can't even begin to describe how much I love you. Every day you make me so happy. I look forward to talking to you everyday. You make my whole life so much better. I don't know what I would do with out you. You and I go together perfectly. We have so much in common. I wouldn't ever want anyone else but you. You complete me in so many ways. The way we talk and the way we love each other is so amazing. All the cute things you say to me I just love so much. And when you make me laugh it makes me feel good to know that I have you in my life. Every memory we have had, even the bad ones, I look back and smile at because I know even though we have been through so much we have came out stronger than ever. You are all I could ever ask for. You are simply the best boyfriend I could ever have. I love you! 
XD I figured I would put it on here since you like cookies. ^_^

^_^ I love you.

We have came so far. ^_^

    Made by: Adri
    I made this for my amazing boyfriend whom I love with all of my heart. ^_^